Saturday, 30 May 2015

STAGE II: Group Discussion (GD)

Group Discussion is a stage which is performed by some of the DAY 0 recruiting companies apart from the mass recruiting companies which directly move on to the Interview round after the Written round.

Remember friends, this stage is the main elimination round in Campus Placement Drives.
The selection ratio in this stage is almost 4:10. The total number of students shortlisted from the written round, will be divided into groups and each group will be given a topic to discuss.

I strongly advice you to go through the following key points if you seriously want to crack the GD round:

  • Never argue. The most common mistake that people often do is that they often confuse GDs with Debates. Remember friends, you are here to calmly discuss about a topic and that too in a decent manner. The moment you start arguing, you will be immediately caught in the judge's eyes and may be immediately disqualified.
  • Never look at the judge while discussing about the topic or even if you are silent. Remember that in that panel only you and your group members exist and no one else. So, you should not look at the judge in order to check what is his reaction.
  • Never use words like 'but'. Instead of that, use 'however'. For example, "I understand what you intend to say, however I would like to add some point ........." 
  • Never call anyone by name. Use 'Sir' or 'Mam'. 
  • Never use the line "According to me" or "According to my point of view"  or " I think". Instead of those lines, use "I suggest".
  • If you disagree with someone's point, Don't say " I strongly disagree with you".  Proceed by saying like "I understand what you mean to say, however I suggest that if it is done in that way then it will be more better than what you say." 
  • For topics needed for practice, I will recommend you to keep an eye on whatever current events occuring in the world. For example, India's involvement in rescuing Nepal earthquake's victims. 
  • You should also go through some general topics like Misuse of Dowry Act by modern women etc..
  • Always stick to the topic. Do not go out of track. This may lead you to disqualification. 
  • If someone goes out of the track, it is the responsibility of the rest of the group members to bring him or her back to the track, This can fetch you some positive points.
  • If someone doesn't speak a single word during the whole discussion, anyone in the group can fetch him the opportunity to speak something. This should be like, "Alright friends, We all had our own respective views. Now let us switch over to Mr X, and see what he thinks." The one who does this, can get extra points.
  • The one who starts and concludes the discussion, gets extra points. If anyone in the group doesn't get the opportunity to speak, I will advise him to conclude with some new innovative points in order to survive within the competition. 
  • For a list of probable topics for  GD, you can always search for the same in the Internet.
--Written and developed by
Souvik Majumder

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